Category Archives: Certifiant


Please note that this course is self-paced and you can enroll at any time. The course itself is 6 weeks long and certificates are generated and distributed to learners who meet the 75% requirement every 4 months. The next scheduled dates for certificates to be released are April 24, 2014 and August 24, 2014. Please note that these dates are subject to change, but will maintain a schedule of every 4 months.

This course is presented in English with limited video subtitles in Chinese.

Modern China presents a dual image: a society transforming itself through economic development and infrastructure investment that aspires to global leadership; and the world’s largest and oldest bureaucratic state, with multiple traditions in its cultural, economic, and political life. The modern society and state that is emerging in China bears the indelible imprint of China’s historical experience, of its patterns of philosophy and religion, and of its social and political thought. These themes are discussed in order to understand China in the twenty-­first century and as a great world civilization that developed along along lines different from those of the Mediterranean.

ChinaX introduces new features to make the riches of Harvard’s visual collections and the expertise of its faculty more accessible to learners worldwide. We will engage intellectual and religious trends, material and political culture, the local diversity and the national unity, art and literature, and China’s economic and political transformation— past, present and future.

This is the first of ten ChinaX “Mini-­Courses” that collectively span over 6,000 years of history. Each mini-­course consists of 4 to 8 weekly “modules,” each with videos, readings, interactive engagements, assessments, and discussion forums.

Au-delà de la Silicon Valley : développer l’entrepreneuriat dans les économies en transition

The path for entrepreneurs to grow their companies outside of well-developed entrepreneurial ecosystems like Silicon Valley is challenging. Most markets around the world do not look like Silicon Valley, and they never will. But there are other models to support new businesses. In transitioning markets (where entrepreneurs do not have much access to private sector financing), government officials, donors, and business leaders are experimenting with creative approaches to support the growth of entrepreneurs. Northeast Ohio, whose largest city is Cleveland, is one such community. During our time together in this course, we will be exploring some of these innovative approaches.

3 octobre au 21 novembre
6 semaines d’apprentissage
2-3 heures de travail / semaine
sous-titres Français

Ce que sait une plante (et d’autres choses que vous ne saviez pas sur les plantes)

For centuries we have collectively marveled at plant diversity and form—from Charles Darwin’s early fascination with stems and flowers to Seymour Krelborn’s distorted doting in Little Shop of Horrors. This course intends to present an intriguing and scientifically valid look at how plants themselves experience the world—from the colors they see to the sensations they feel. Highlighting the latest research in genetics and more, we will delve into the inner lives of plants and draw parallels with the human senses to reveal that we have much more in common with sunflowers and oak trees than we may realize. We’ll learn how plants know up from down, how they know when a neighbor has been infested by a group of hungry beetles, and whether they appreciate the music you’ve been playing for them or if they’re just deaf to the sounds around them. We’ll explore definitions of memory and consciousness as they relate to plants in asking whether we can say that plants might even be aware of their surroundings. This highly interdisciplinary course meshes historical studies with cutting edge modern research and will be relevant to all humans who seek their place in nature. This class has three main goals: 1. To introduce you to basic plant biology by exploring plant senses (sight, smell, hearing, touch, taste, balance). 2. To introduce you to biological research and the scientific method. 3. To get the student to question life in general and what defines us as humans.

Sous-titres en Français.

Université de Tel-Aviv

Session : Du 26 octobre au 30 décembre.

程序设计与算法 / Fundamentals of Programming and Algorithms

本专项课程是针对计算机相关专业的学生开设的计算机程序开发能力培养的课程。其内容涵盖了计算机基础知识,C程序设计基础,C++程序设计,算法基础,数据结构与算法相关的内容。 我们的教学目标是从基本的计算机知识开始,逐步培养熟练使用C/C++语言进行程序设计的能力、熟练使用基本算法解决问题的能力、利用数据结构组织设计算法的能力,直至培养起能够运用高级数据结构和算法解决复杂问题的能力。 因此,我们希望本专项课程能够帮助同学们完成从仅了解基本的计算机知识到能够利用高质量的程序解决实际问题的转变。

Next Session : Janvier 2015
Durée: 8 weeks
Quantité de travail estimée: 4-8 hours/week

Peking University

Peking University is determined to make its education openly accessible to students in China and around the world. With over 3000 faculty members, Peking University offers excellence in teaching and learning. Founded in 1898, Peking University (PKU) was the first national comprehensive university in China. For the past 115 years, with its hundreds of thousands of outstanding alumni, Peking University has made prominent contributions in the humanities and sciences to further China’s prosperity and progress.

Data Mining

At completion of this Specialization in Data Mining, you will know the basic concepts in pattern discovery and clustering in data mining, information retrieval, text analytics, and visualization, understand the major algorithms for mining both structured and unstructured text data, and be able to apply the learned algorithms to solve real-world data mining problems.

prochaine Session : Février 2015
Durée: 4 weeks
Quantité de travail estimée: 4-6 hours/week