Optimisation Stochastique Évolutionnaire

L’objectif de ce MOOC est de découvrir comment optimiser par évolution artificielle et algorithmes génétiques parallèles des problèmes difficiles et multicritères pour obtenir de manière régulière des résultats compétitifs avec l’intelligence humaine en ingénierie et sciences appliquées.
Les algorithmes évolutionnaires (algorithmes génétiques, stratégies d’évolution, programmation génétique) sont parmi les meilleurs algorithmes actuels d’optimisation approchée. Ils sont de plus en plus utilisés dans l’industrie pour leur performance et leur capacité à trouver rapidement de bonnes solutions à des problèmes difficiles, mal posés, multi-critères et pour leur capacité à exploiter des ordinateurs parallèles, massivement parallèles et des écosystèmes de calcul potentiellement hétérogènes.

la musique des Beatles

The Music of the Beatles will track the musical development of the band, starting from the earliest days in Liverpool and Hamburg, moving through the excitement of Beatlemania, the rush of psychedelia, and the maturity of Abbey Road. While the focus will be on the music, we will also consider how recording techniques, the music business, the music of other artists, and the culture of the 1960s affected John, Paul, George, and Ringo as they created the Beatles repertory.

There is probably no band or artist that has had more written about their music than the Beatles. There are many good books on the band’s biography, several insider accounts offering glimpses behind the scenes, books that interpret the meaning of the songs, and even books that catalog dates and people regarding the band. This course will try to synthesize much of that information into an account of the Beatles’ development as musicians and songwriters.

Analyse de données

You have probably heard that this is the era of “Big Data”. Stories about companies or scientists using data to recommend movies, discover who is pregnant based on credit card receipts, or confirm the existence of the Higgs Boson regularly appear in Forbes, the Economist, the Wall Street Journal, and The New York Times. But how does one turn data into this type of insight? The answer is data analysis and applied statistics. Data analysis is the process of finding the right data to answer your question, understanding the processes underlying the data, discovering the important patterns in the data, and then communicating your results to have the biggest possible impact. There is a critical shortage of people with these skills in the workforce, which is why Hal Varian (Chief Economist at Google) says that being a statistician will be the sexy job for the next 10 years.

This course is an applied statistics course focusing on data analysis. The course will begin with an overview of how to organize, perform, and write-up data analyses. Then we will cover some of the most popular and widely used statistical methods like linear regression, principal components analysis, cross-validation, and p-values. Instead of focusing on mathematical details, the lectures will be designed to help you apply these techniques to real data using the R statistical programming language, interpret the results, and diagnose potential problems in your analysis. You will also have the opportunity to critique and assist your fellow classmates with their data analyses.